General terms & conditions

Effective date: 19-01-2023

General terms & conditions

Effective date: 19-01-2023

General terms & conditions

Effective date: 19-01-2023

Article 1 / Definitions

The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of these general terms and conditions in so far as nothing else applies based on the nature or purport of their provisions:

Agreement/Contract: any agreement/contract between Tokens Studio and a Client for the purposes of the former providing services to the latter;

Client (singular): any natural person or legal entity with whom or which Tokens Studio has entered or envisages entering into an Agreement;

Tokens Studio: the company with limited liability Hyma B.V, trading under the name of Tokens Studio and Figma Tokens, having its registered office at Lage Gouwe 92 in (2801 LJ) Gouda, the Netherlands, and registered in the commercial register under Chamber of Commerce Number 59750502, to be contacted at;

In Writing/Written: a communication in writing, by email or any other means of communication, which may be held to be similar to them having regard to the state of the art and generally accepted standards.

Parties: Tokens Studio and a Client jointly.

Purchase: the purchase of any product of service made available through the Service.

Service(s): The services provided by Tokens Studio

Article 2 / Scope of application

These general terms and conditions shall govern all offers, Contracts and undertakings made or given by or concluded between Tokens Studio and a Client, as well as the execution thereof and any services which Tokens Studio provides to them.

Tokens Studio explicitly rejects the application of a Client’s general terms and conditions, howsoever they may be called.

These general terms and conditions shall also govern any Agreement for the purposes of whose execution Tokens Studio engages another party. Such other party may rely directly on these general terms and conditions in relation to the relevant Client.

The provisions of these general terms and conditions may only be derogated from In Writing. An amendment and/or deviation from these general terms and conditions will only be valid if confirmed In Writing by Tokens Studio.

In the event that there is a conflict between the general terms and conditions of Tokens Studio and an Agreement, what is stipulated in the latter shall prevail.

The nullification or nullity of one (1) or more provisions of these general terms and conditions shall not affect the validity of any of its other clauses. Where such a situation arises, the parties shall have a duty to enter into consultation with each other for the purposes of arranging to replace the affected clause. Consideration shall be given to the purpose and purport of the original provisions in this respect.

Tokens Studio shall be entitled to amend these general terms and conditions unilaterally. Any amendment shall come into effect one (1) month after notice of it is given on a date subsequently stipulated by means of a written notice to this effect or a notice published on the website of Tokens Studio. In the event that a Client declines to consent to an amendment of these general terms and conditions, until the time when such amendment is scheduled to come into effect, they shall be entitled to cancel the relevant Agreement by means of a registered letter as at the date on which the amended provisions are scheduled to come into effect. A Client shall be deemed to have tacitly consented to an amendment after the time when it comes into effect.

In these general terms and conditions, for the sake of readability, the Client is referred to in the masculine form. Wherever “he” is mentioned, “she” is also meant.