Studio Platform

A completely new way to manage your brand in Studio.

A plug and play approach to collaborative design system management, powered by our groundbreaking algorithmic-based design technology.

Node-graph powered dynamic decisions

Studio is powered by an innovative node graph-based environment that allows creating design systems based on logical decisions represented in a node graph.

Manage your brand's design decisions on a dedicated platform

Studio is a brand-new platform that makes managing brand's design decisions a breeze.

Plug and play export

With built-in style dictionary and developer CLI tools as well as an API, exporting design tokens to various platform outputs is effortless.

A home for everyone involved

Studio allows your designers, brand and project managers as well as your engineers to use one common source of truth.

Ready to give it a try?
Get on the list.

Node-graph powered dynamic decisions

Studio is powered by an innovative node graph-based environment that allows creating design systems based on logical decisions represented in a node graph.

Manage your brand's design decisions on a dedicated platform

Studio is a brand-new platform that makes managing brand's design decisions a breeze.

Plug and play export

With built-in style dictionary and developer CLI tools as well as an API, exporting design tokens to various platform outputs is effortless.

A home for everyone involved

Studio allows your designers, brand and project managers as well as your engineers to use one common source of truth.

Ready to give it a try? Get on the list.