Release 120

22 Sept 22


From this release it is possible to bulk remap tokens via the multi inspector. We’ve also focused on improving some quality of life issues, such as being able to set numerical font weights which a lot of you requested! In addition, we’ve fixed countless bugs to improve the overall experience.

The full list of released stories can be found below:

Bulk remap in Inspect
We’ve heard changing token structure is hard, so we wanted to provide you a way to change multiple applied tokens at once. Similar to Figma’s Rename functionality you’ll be able to bulk-apply different tokens to selected layers.
- Allow bulk remap #1135

Numerical font weights
We previously only allowed you to set font weights to strings such as “Bold” or “Regular”. However, most of you wanted to use numerical font weights such as 500 as this is easier to map in development. We’ve now added a way where you can do just that! As Figma doesn’t allow plugins to set numerical font weights themselves we had to find a way to work around that, so this should work for 80% of cases.
- Cannot set a number fontWeight in typography #807

Folder structure for token sets
Managing lots of token sets can be hard, so we made that easier. You can now rename token sets into folder/file structures, by giving them a name separated by a “/”. Try naming a token set “base/colors” to have nested sets.
- Support folder structure for non multi-file #1077

Add support for multiline commit messages #1011
- After pushing to a repo, the plugin doesn’t remember the token set you were on and shows the token set on top of the list. #1068
- Theme selector gets reset to None after pull from remote #1131

Allow descriptions to contain linebreaks #1244
- We updated our tooltips to fix some bugs and improve how they’re shown #878 & #938
- Improve how the token is shown, after unassigning a token. #1114
- After renaming a token, remember the previous choice in the ‘remap pop-up’ #1050
- Suggestion dropdown doesn’t appear for documentation tokens while changing to another token on the “Inspect” tab #1125
- Ability to collapse/expand token groups #564
- Auto-complete in token picker on Inspect tab does not work correctly #841
- We improved what tokens were suggested, when picking reference tokens #1099

- Removing token sets sometimes fails #1275
- Fixed an issue where renaming token groups caused the reference not to be updated. #1270
- Sync bug: Single file sync doesn’t respect $metadata property #1162
- Non resolved typography/box shadow tokens are not exported correctly. #1189
- Typography Token → ignores/reorders key value for textCase, paragraphSpacing, textDecoration #1188
- Plugin doesn’t remember branch on re-open #1215
- Documentation Tokens don’t work within the Composition. #1065
- URL Sync doesn’t respect $themes or $metadata #1164

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