Try it for free and upgrade to unlock advanced features

token studio for Figma Pro will make your life even easier with advanced features built for teams that value time and efficiency. Find an overview of the features below or go through the FAQ at the end.

Figma Plugin: Starter

Try it for free and install now


/ month

Experience tokens studio for Figma in its free version, with an extensive list of exciting features.

Tokens Studio Pro

For True Scalability & Productivity


per user / month



We have a plan for you:



Starter Plan


Plugin Pro Plan with advanced features


per user / month

Available tokens


Gradient support






Border radius

Border width

Box shadow

Font family

Font weight

Font size

Line height

Letter spacing

Paragraph spacing

Text case

Text decoration

Typography compositions



Token management features

Alias tokens

Math operations

Color modifiers

Manipulate base colors to create slight variations: lighten, darken, mix or change the alpha

Multi-dimensional themes

Categorise your themes into groups. This allows you to generate a matrix of potential combinations involving color themes, platforms, brands, density, languages, and more

Token sets

Token groups

W3C DTCG Format

Sync Providers




Azure DevOps


URL sync

Generic storage sync

Export as JSON

Multi-file sync

Sync multiple files at once

Branch switching

View and switch branches of your remote

Inspect & handoff

Documentation tokens


Token annotation

Remove tokens


Create variables based on token sets

Create variables with a single mode using Token Sets

Variables with references

Create variables based on theme groups

Multi-file variable collections

Styles with variable references

Gradients with variable references

Typography with variable references


Create styles

Import styles

Support for non-local styles

Swap styles

Open Beta's


Interactive map to visualize your token structure to see all connections and dependencies, and fix issues.


Second screen

A fullscreen token editing experience with spreadsheet view


Customer dashboard

Overview of your subscription

Assign license key(s)

Revoke access of license key(s)

Add/remove seats

Edit billing information

Download invoices

Any questions? We're glad you asked.

Below you can find answers to the questions we get the most about subscriptions for Tokens Studio for Figma Pro.

How does a subscription for Pro plugin work?

What payment methods are available?

Is a subscription user based?

Can Free and Pro plugin users work next to each other on the same Token Set?

Do all my team members need a subscription for Pro plugin?

How can I add more seats to my subscription?

How can I edit my payment method?

How can I edit my billing details?

Will Free users of the plugin still be able to consume all the tokens?

When does my subscription renew?

How do I cancel my subscription?

Where can I find my invoices?

How can I revoke the access of a subscription/license?

How can I contact support?